Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was asked to make a presentation about "Selling on line" for my guild, the South Florida Jewelry Art Guild. It took place during our monthly meeting last Thursday February 18Th. It was a lot of fun and I am really thankful that our members enjoyed the dialog.

I found a very good blog article in the Art Bead Scene Blog. It is a good follow up to my presentation. I hope you are getting inspired to have your own blog.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February Birthstone: AMETHYST

Amethyst, February birthstone, is one of the oldest precious stones known. It was believed to encourage sobriety and inner peace by the ancients Greeks. The Greek word "amethystos" maybe translated as "not drunken", from Greek a- (not) + methustos (intoxicated). Amethyst was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness, which is why wine goblets were often carved from it. Amethyst is also believed to ease headaches and prevent nightmares.

Amethyst is produced in abundance from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil where it occurs in large geodes within volcanic rocks. Amethyst deposits can also be found at many localities in the United States.

Because it has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs Scale, amethyst is suitable for use in jewelry. Collectors look for depth of color, possible with red flashes if cut conventionally. The highest grade amethyst (called "Deep Russian") is exceptionally rare and therefore its value is dependent on the demand of collectors when one is found.

How fascinating is all of this. I hope you are enjoying the birthstone of the month series. Your comments are welcome!